🚨 Overdue Tasks
If you don't complete a task on the day planned for it, it'll get carried over to the next day so you don't forget about it.
Overdue tasks are the first visible on the Today page, so you won’t miss them.
When does a task become overdue?
Akiflow does not mark a task as overdue immediately after its end time. This is to prevent showing you many overdue things and also giving you a bit more buffer.
The task will be marked as “Overdue” an hour after the end time (i.e. you scheduled a 30-min task at 1 PM. It will be “Overdue” at 2:30 PM)
For weekly tasks (tasks planned under a Week time frame i.e. W11), they will show up as Overdue on your Today page on the day of the next week that you’ve set as your “Week starts on” (Read: Settings Page)
For example, if your “Week starts on” is Monday, then on the Monday of W12, the tasks you’ve planned for W11 will show up as “Overdue.”
🗑️ Deleted Tasks
Can I recover deleted tasks?
Yes, you can go to All Tasks > Trashed